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three dimensional

fall 2019

intro to 3D

In my 3D course we learned how to construct three-dimensional forms using different materials. These materials ranged from cardboard to wire. Each project came with a specific theme and set requirements we had to implement in our works. We physically built objects, but we also learned how to create objects to 3D print them using Tinkercad.


this video is a screenrecording of me creating the 3D version of my first project using the Tinkercad website. images of the results are posted below this video.



moving components

 I made this tarot reading table for a circus themed project. the project had to have a moving component. For my tarot table, the three cards spun when flicked. They were connected to the base of the table with wire that poked through the corrugated sides of the cardboard.


 project description here

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